
What size is minecrafts default resource pack in 1.12
What size is minecrafts default resource pack in 1.12

what size is minecrafts default resource pack in 1.12

Profile folders don't contain the assets folder. minecraft folder? You might accidentally have gone to a profile folder instead (that is, the "Game Directory" option in the profile editor). If you running Linux: cd ~/.minecraft/assets. If you are running macOS: cd ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/assets.

what size is minecrafts default resource pack in 1.12 what size is minecrafts default resource pack in 1.12

If you are running Windows: cd %AppData%\.minecraft\assets. Note that you will need to replace (path to. It looks like you forgot to replace that line - go back to that section and read the text below: My console is telling me that it doesn't know of a directory called "(path to. You do need to run that version of Minecraft first, or else the assets won't be downloaded and the program won't be able to copy them. minecraft/assets/indexes folder, and the script should still work (but I make no guarantees). You can change 1.12-af to the name of any other file in the. entries ( objects )įor ( const [ file, = require ( './indexes/1.12-af.json' ) promisify ( require ( 'ncp' ) )Ĭonst entries = Object. promisify ( require ( 'mkdirp' ) )Ĭonst ncp = util. Okay actual code here -Ĭonst mkdirp = util. Obviously change this line if you want to download a different pack:Ĭonst sourceFile = require ( './indexes/1.12-af.json' ) You'll want to be using a relatively recenversion of Node - 8.0.0 or later.

What size is minecrafts default resource pack in 1.12